
不确定你是否有资格获得R&D税收减免? 我们可以帮忙.

Businesses throughout the UK are continually innovating, 尤其是科学领域的初创企业, 工程, 以及软件产业. The good news for these enterprises is that HMRC incentivizes innovation through R&D税收减免, notably via the SME Tax Relief and R&D开支信贷计划. These schemes aim to stimulate increased spending on R&D, providing UK businesses with funds to invest more in innovation. 


Despite the potential tax relief benefits these schemes offer, many businesses are not fully capitalizing on them, leading to missed opportunities for significant savings. 因此, they forego funds that could otherwise fuel further innovation, 增长, and expansion by neglecting to fully utilize these schemes. This underscores the importance of businesses receiving support when making R&D税收减免申请. 


Why might businesses require assistance with claiming R&D税收减免? 原因如下: 


有限的理解: Businesses may lack awareness of the scheme or have little understanding of its intricacies. 

复杂的过程: The claiming process may be perceived as difficult or cumbersome, 阻止企业提出索赔. 

多申索或少申索: Businesses may either overstate or understate their eligible expenditures, 冒着被英国税务海关总署审查的风险. 

时间和资源限制: Some businesses may lack the time or resources needed to navigate the claims process effectively. 

These factors can result in businesses missing out on entitled tax relief or facing inquiries from HMRC. 在本文中, we delve into each of these reasons and elucidate how Leyton can assist businesses in optimizing their R&D税收减免申请. 



Research commissioned by HMRC revealed that awareness of the scheme among businesses was poor, with many lacking a comprehensive understanding of its mechanics. As a result, a significant proportion of UK businesses could benefit from support when claiming R&D税收减免 due to their unfamiliarity with the scheme. 


Our team's expertise simplifies the complexities of R&D tax schemes, guiding businesses through every aspect of R&D Tax Relief, including expenditure categories. With access to seasoned technical and financial consultants, businesses can receive comprehensive support at every stage of the application process. 



英国税务海关总署的评估发现,一些企业, 尽管知道这个计划, encountered difficulty during the claiming process. Reasons cited included challenges in identifying qualifying projects and understanding eligible expenditures. 


通过与莱顿合作, businesses can streamline the claiming process, saving time and effort. We handle tasks such as identifying qualifying expenditures and compiling necessary documentation, guiding businesses through the entire claims process from start to finish. 



HMRC's evaluation also highlighted instances of businesses including uncertain expenditures in their claims, 冒着被调查的风险. Conversely, some businesses may refrain from claiming eligible expenditures out of uncertainty. 


Leyton collaborates closely with businesses to accurately qualify all R&D activities, ensuring compliance and minimizing the risk of inquiries. Through meticulous project evaluation and detailed technical reports, we safeguard businesses' claims and maximize their tax savings. 



Time and capacity constraints emerged as significant barriers to claiming R&D Tax Relief, with many businesses lacking the resources to navigate the process effectively. 


As the largest specialist innovation funding consultancy in the UK, Leyton offers expert support tailored to businesses' needs. Our consultants expedite the claims process while providing the technical expertise necessary to uncover qualifying expenditures and secure maximum financial relief. 


总之,利用R&D Tax Relief can be instrumental in driving innovation and 增长 for businesses. 通过与莱顿合作, businesses can unlock the full potential of these schemes, enabling them to reinvest in research and development activities and propel their expansion initiatives forward. If you require support with your claim, contact us today to explore how Leyton can assist you. 

David Buckley (Leyton UK顾问经理) 

